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Letter From The 2024 Chairperson

Esteemed delegates and faculty advisors. 


I am delighted to extend you an invitation to the 11th session of the African Leadership Academy Model African Union (ALAMAU).  

Over the past decade, ALAMAU has brought together more than 1400 delegates, 71 institutions and 320 organising staff, making a total of 59 countries represented from all parts of the world. Our conference is designed to nurture young leaders and aspiring diplomats through meaningful debates guided by diplomatic procedure simulating the African Union (AU). Delegates get to interact with and learn from diplomats and other delegates from different parts of the world who share diverse perspectives on various continental and global issues.  


The theme of the 11th session is A Youth-driven Continent, Pioneering a New Era. All the committee topics and sessions are derived from this theme. We seek to engage our delegates in discussions regarding youths in different sectors on the African continent, from education, health, agriculture, technology, climate change, politics and governance, health, media, trade, peacekeeping, energy and infrastructure. Given that Africa has the youngest population in the world, it is crucial for our delegates (youths) to understand their potential and role in the continent’s present and future development.  

As a student run conference, ALAMAU exemplifies the tremendous success that youths can achieve when believed and supported. It is my hope that our conference will inspire other students and youths on the continent and beyond by equipping them with critical thinking, diplomacy and problem-solving skills. 


I anticipate that ALAMAU 2024 will be unlike any other. We are thrilled to offer much more after a decade of conferencing, research, diplomatic round tables and cultural events. Hundreds of brilliant young minds across the world in a shared space will undoubtedly begin a new era in which youths are actors rather than afterthoughts in significant affairs. I foresee a continent where youths are the driving force behind its development. I hope you will be part of this vision.  

On behalf of the ALAMAU 2024 conference team, I welcome you once again.  



Innocent Augustine Kalimba 




2024 Conference Theme

 A Youth-driven Continent, Pioneering The New Era 



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